Friday, August 6, 2010


Great CAF BBQ last night at Dean Roeper’s house. Thank you Dean and special thanks to Scott Rhodes who did all the cooking! To cook everyone else’s food (it was bring your own) on a grill that is not your own is really challenging and Scott did a great job. Scott Kaplan and Billy Ray made it out for the event along with several Challenged Athletes, and Bob Babbitt who is Competitor Magazines editor and a very vocal advocate for challenged athletes. It was great to socialize with everyone off the bikes. It’s always amazing to me how different everyone looks with no helmet, sunglasses, and out of all the bright, lycra bicycling clothing. For example, you would never know that I was hair challenged (i.e. bald) underneath the bike helmet! I did get to talk with both Scott and Billy Ray for awhile. Both are really great guys and very easy to talk with. You can definitely tell that BR is an ex-football player (San Diego Charger) when you shake hands with him. He has some serious meat hooks for hands!
Left to Right:  Billy Ray Smith, Jesse Martinez, Todd Barrow, Jesse Mindlin,  Chris Glossner, Daniel Weickgenant, Dave Mitchell, Me, Mark Estrada, Keith Jensen, Scott Kaplan
Thanks Mark for the Picture

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