Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 11 Training

Great ride today! I started with Group 2 today. At about 5 miles into the ride we came across Group 1 with their usual beginning of the ride flat tire. It wasn’t long before they caught our group again and start passing us. I decided to make the effort to try and hang as long as I could even though there was a lot of climbing left before the fist SAG. I somehow managed to hang on (with a couple pushes in the back by Joe! Thanks!) until we got to Scripps Poway Parkway (SPP). I got dropped during the 1.75 mile climb to the top of SPP and 67. But the SAG was at the top of the climb and there were two more Group 1 riders behind me, so no big deal.

After the SAG, there are several climbs up the 67 toward Ramona. I knew that if I could stay with Group 1 for another 3.5 miles of mostly climbing, I could probably finish the entire ride with them. So, I rolled out with them but at about 3.1 miles, I got dropped. So I chased them by myself for the next 20 miles. I was bound and determined to try and catch them before they left the next SAG stop andto not let Group 2 catch me. And I did it! I rolled into the SAG just as Group 1 was getting to roll out, so I went with them. Not bad for an old guy who spent too many years smoking! What a great feeling of personnel satisfaction and I did manage to hang on to the group for another 18 miles until the end of the ride.

While riding near Ramona on Warnock Rd, I noticed some small signs stuck in the ground next to the road that had CAF and XX1090 stickers and some nice words about the radio contestants. I have no idea who put them there but it certainly cheered me up! (Note: A couple weeks later I learned that Keith’s wife, Esther had put the signs by the road! Very nice!)

I didn't take any pictures today :(

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