Matt Bigos

 Matt Bigos
In June 2003, after a ten year career in motocross, Matt Bigos was involved in a car accident. His injuries left him paraplegic and he was told that he would never walk again. With great hope and an unstoppable work ethic, he endured long hours in outpatient physical therapy and slowly began taking steps. One year post injury, he was walking with a cane and after continued rehab, he began riding a bicycle again. He turned his passion and focus on cycling and has been vastly improving for 3 years. After racing a few triathlons, Matt was invited to attend a Paralympics cycling camp at the Olympic training center. Soon thereafter, he competed in the 2008 Beijing Paralympics Cycling qualifier. Matt has gained so much confidence from his progress and believes he has what it takes to eventually be able to compete in London at the 2012 Paralympic Games.

Matt received a competition grant last year from CAF, allowing him to compete in many more events than he previously thought possible. Throughout the 2009 season he raced in over 30 road races, criteriums, and time trials. He also participated in several charity events including the San Diego Triathlon Challenge and the MS society 2 day Santa Barbara ride. We are very proud of Matt as he finished sixth place in two events in the US Paralympic National Track championships and finished seventh place in the US Paralympic National Road Championships (only one place below qualifying for the Paralympic World Championship).

“CAF helps me do what I love, racing. But much more than that, CAF’s support allows me to be a part of promoting awareness for disabled sports.” –Matt Bigos