Muffy Davis

Muffy Davis

Muffy was practically born on skis. She began skiing when she was three and began ski racing when she was seven. Unfortunately tragedy struck in February of 1989. While downhill training in her hometown of Sun Valley, ID, Muffy went off course and slammed into a tree, crushing her back and resulting in complete paraplegia. Feeling as though she had unfinished business on the race course, after her college graduation in 1995, Muffy decided to give ski racing another shot!

Since then, Muffy has consistently improved and excelled in disabled ski racing and anything else she put her mind to. After winning 3 silver medals in the 2002 Paralympics, she retired from the US Disabled Ski Team to pursue other dreams. In 2005, CAF awarded Muffy and her husband a travel grant so that they could teach adaptive sports to people with disabilities in emergent countries all over the world.

Upon returning from their trip, she remained active in adaptive sports by participating in numerous handcycle rides including a 5 day mountain bike ride on the 100 mile White Rim trail in Utah. With great tenacity and encouragement, she is pursuing her new goal of competing in the 2016 Paralympics. She just returned from winning the women’s handcycle time trial at Nationals, which secured her slot on the US Adaptive Cycling team and a spot at the Para-cycling World Championships in Baie Comeau, Canada. Needless to say, Muffy’s dedication and ability is awe-inspiring!

Muffy Davis has been handcycling for eight years, this will be her first Million Dollar Challenge. We asked her thoughts on training for the Million Dollar Challenge:

“I can totally feel my fitness improving as I ride more, and my average mph has really increased! I am so thankful for this opportunity, there is nothing better than getting on your bike and just going, pushing yourself to be your best and give it your all! Wish I could be there to train with the rest of the MDC gang, but I can't wait to meet everyone in Oct!!!” –Muffy Davis